Why You Should NOT Include Your Husband In The Home Cleaning

Hey there, fellow home warriors! Chris here, your friendly neighbourhood professional cleaner, blogger extraordinaire, and mum of two unruly teenagers. Today, I’m here to dish out some sage advice on a topic that’s close to my heart and probably yours too – why letting your husband loose with a duster is a recipe for disaster. OK, let me take this back – you can actually take advantage of the situation if you play it right. Let’s see how!

Most men hate cleaning, and nagging them about it will sour your relationship

Let’s face it, ladies (and gents), cleaning isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. And when it comes to husbands, well, let’s just say they’d probably rather be tinkering in the garage or watching paint dry than scrubbing toilets. Now, I’m not saying all men are allergic to cleaning, but let’s just say it’s not exactly their favourite pastime.

Think about it – when was the last time you heard your husband say, “Honey, I can’t wait to tackle that pile of laundry”? Yeah, I thought so. So, what happens when you try to coerce your dear hubby into helping out around the house? Nagging. Lots and lots of nagging. And trust me when I say this – nagging about chores is the fastest way to put a strain on your relationship.

Sure, you might get the floors mopped eventually, but at what cost? Your sanity? Your marriage? It’s just not worth it, folks. So, unless you’re prepared to spend your evenings engaged in a heated battle of wills over who forgot to take out the trash (spoiler alert: it’s always him), it might be best to leave the cleaning to the professionals – like yours truly.

An angry couple arguing at home

Your husband will likely do a poor job, so you better do it yourself

Picture this: you come home after a long day at work, expecting to be greeted by sparkling countertops and freshly vacuumed carpets. Instead, you’re met with a half-hearted attempt at cleaning – crumbs still litter the kitchen counters, and the vacuum seems to have missed more spots than it’s actually cleaned.

Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Many a well-intentioned husband has tried his hand at cleaning, only to end up making more mess than he started with. And while we appreciate the effort (bless their hearts), sometimes it’s just easier to do it ourselves. After all, if you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself, am I right?

I mean, we’ve all seen those memes floating around the internet – the ones where someone asks their husband to do the laundry, and they come back to find their favourite sweater shrunk to the size of a Barbie doll’s. Or the ones where they ask their husband to clean the bathroom, and they somehow manage to flood the entire house. It’s funny when it’s happening to someone else, but when it’s your own husband wielding the mop, it’s a whole different story.

You can negotiate your way to better home cleaning equipment

Now, here’s where things get interesting. Instead of roping your hubby into doing the dirty work, why not use your feminine wiles to negotiate your way to better cleaning equipment? It’s simple, really – you scratch his back, and he scratches yours (metaphorically speaking, of course).

Imagine this scenario: you sit your husband down for a little chat about household chores. You sweeten the deal by offering to take over the dreaded vacuuming duty in exchange for a shiny new vacuum cleaner – the Rolls Royce of cleaning appliances. Before you know it, you’re the proud owner of a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner, and your husband is none the wiser.

But it’s not just about the vacuum cleaner – oh no. You can use this tactic to negotiate your way to all sorts of fancy cleaning gadgets and gizmos. From steam mops to robotic vacuum cleaners, the possibilities are endless. So, the next time you find yourself faced with a mountain of dirty dishes or a floor that hasn’t seen a mop in weeks, remember these words of wisdom: sometimes, it’s better to go it alone.


So, there you have it, folks – three compelling reasons why you should think twice before enlisting your husband’s help in the cleaning department. From souring relationships to shoddy cleaning jobs, it’s just not worth the hassle. So next time you’re faced with a dirty house and a well-meaning but clueless husband, remember these words of wisdom: sometimes, it’s better to do it yourself.

Until next time, happy cleaning!
